The daffodils are awakening! Spring has arrived on the mountain!
The daffodils are awakening! Spring has arrived on the mountain!
The Western Bluebirds are back for the season! Hoping they choose my nest box.
On a lovely bird walk with Robin Roberts, we came upon this happy American Robin singing his beautiful spring song.
Sweet girl stopping by some peanut suet on a chilly fall evening. So happy that she stopped by!
This sweet Chickadee stopped by for dinner and was waiting patiently for a spot at the feeder. Such a blessing on a warm Idy evening.
A dragonfly out hunting for their lunch on a summer afternoon. Such a beautiful being!
Every drop is precious. The Wild Things are rejoicing.
Spring is always a magical time of year. Mama Bluebird and her mate visit everyday, and I am so blessed. Wishing them a healthy, happy family this season.
The poppies are not blooming in Idyllwild, but nearby I discovered this beautiful poppy hosting a pair of bees doing what bees do in the spring – creating new life. There is hope for the future.
Spring has arrived! The air is filled with song and beauty is all around.