Swallowtail Butterfly on Lupine

It was a lovely spring morning on the Idyllwild Nature Center trails. Lupine is one of my favorite wildflowers and there they were! And they were enjoying the attention of many of the mountain’s butterflies. So thrilled to get a photo of this beautiful creature, happily pollenating the Lupine in an age-old dance of life.

Violet Green Swallow

The swallows arrived awhile ago and they are pairing up for the season and checking out nest sites. They’ve been hanging out in the yard for about a week, and this morning and they seemed to like a cavity in the ancient oak next to my deck.

A View from My Window

In this time of pandemic, a number of websites are springing up to encourage those of us staying in our homes to share and connect with others around the world. These sites bring tremendous peace to me, giving evidence that we are all part of the collective of humanity. And that we are loving, compassionate, and kind beings who are open to beauty and connection.

This photo was my post to the “View from My Window” group on Facebook. Over a million members in less than a month. A coyote appeared and explored the yard. A blessing from the Wild Things.

Messages from Water

The snow formed thin sheets of thin lacy ice as it melted from the roof this morning. I was so happy to see this little heart. Love and Hugs to All the Wild Things, from Water.

Sparkly Morning

It’s a sparkly morning. The snow is melting and there is a promise of sunshine. Magical things can always be found, even in the melting of an icicle.